September 13, 2004

deux pieds by Thomas Fersen

Motion capture for the video clip for "deux pieds" by Thomas Fersen
from his album "Pièce montée des grands jours".

3 minutes of animation with several simultaneous actors including
Thomas Fersen playing himself.

Decors and real accessories from the shoot.

++ 아마 근래에 새로 나온 삼성광고를 봤다면 눈에 익은 스타일일테지.
시그라프에 점점 카툰 랜더링을 이용한 작품이 많아지는데 지금까지 카툰 랜더링을 이용해 나온 화면 중 가장 맘에 든다.

3D animation by synthetique

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