Lab talk about money-making stuff en-us 2006-03-31T17:29:07+09:00 naver open API 네이버 Open API 등록 필요]]> Server Side vizualizer 2006-03-31T17:29:07+09:00 AsBroadcaster class example 사용자가 정의한 객체에 추가할 수 있는 이벤트 알림 기능 및 리스너 관리 기능을 제공합니다. 이 클래스는 사용자 정의 이벤트 처리 메커니즘을 만들고자 하는 고급 사용자들을 위한 것입니다. 이 클래스를 사용하면 어떤 객체든 이벤트 브로드캐스터로 만들 수 있고 broadcasting 객체가 broadcastMessage()... ActionScript vizualizer 2006-02-24T16:43:20+09:00 insert one more linefeed url-encoded character _global.escape2 = function(str:String) { var str2 = str.split('%0D'); var str3 = str2.join('%0D%0A'); return str3; }; put one more linefeed character right after normal carraige return chracter. You ought to use this function with eacape function]]> ActionScript vizualizer 2005-09-19T15:28:49+09:00 kill the drawing of focus border on any component You can kill the drawing of focus border on any component by adding [component name].drawFocus = ""; so on a textfield component named "password" password.drawFocus = ""; password.tabIndex = 2; This still aloows tabbing to take place, but no focus... ActionScript vizualizer 2005-09-10T09:44:36+09:00 프레임 타이머 var a = getTimer(); this.onEnterFrame = function (){ //trace(a); if((getTimer() - a) >2000){ this.gotoAndPlay(1); this.onEnterFrame = null; } } 약 2초 뒤에 1번 프레임으로 되돌아감.]]> ActionScript vizualizer 2005-08-30T08:26:58+09:00 easing testing(flash MX 2004) Download file(fla) Download file(swf) ]]> ActionScript vizualizer 2005-08-26T16:48:25+09:00 print special characters in random function randomChar(){ var a:Number = random(128) + 77; var str = String.fromCharCode(a); trace(str); return str; }]]> ActionScript vizualizer 2005-08-26T16:39:25+09:00 random color code in navigation menu #include "" menuCount = 3; menuTitleArray = ["", "John", "Tim", "Michael"]; function decToHex(dec) { var hexStr = "0123456789ABCDEF"; var low = dec%16; var high = (dec-low)/16; hex = ""+hexStr.charAt(high)+hexStr.charAt(low); return hex; } function getRandomColorCode() { var colorCode = "0x"+decToHex(random(255)); colorCode += decToHex(random(255)); colorCode += decToHex(random(255)); return colorCode; } function colorDice(mc:MovieClip) { mc.colorTo(getRandomColorCode(), 1.5, "easeOutCubic", 0); } for (var k = 0; k<menuCount+1; k++) { var target = eval("menu"+k); target.title.shows.text = menuTitleArray[k]; = k; target.onRollOver = function() {"_width", 300, 0.5, "easeOutBounce", 0);"0xffff00", 0.5, "easeOutBounce", 0); }; target.onRollOut = function() {"_width", 104, 0.5, "easeOutBounce", 0);"0x000000", 0.5, "easeOutBounce", 0); }; target.onRelease = function() { trace("menu "" pressed!"); }; target.rollColorDice = setInterval(colorDice, 2000,; target.rollColorDice = setInterval(colorDice, 2000, target.title); }]]> ActionScript vizualizer 2005-08-26T16:33:48+09:00 random number in specific range _global.randomNumRange = function(min:Number, max:Number) { var r = Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1))+min return r; }; return random positive integer in specific range. Download file(fla) ]]> ActionScript vizualizer 2005-08-26T16:20:24+09:00 good design@serizine 굿디자인의 4대 조건 look different - 독창성 다른 제품과는 구분되는 차별적 매력을 보유 feel good - 교감만족 시각, 청각, 후각, 미각, 촉각, 교감(제품이 주는 느낌)등 모든 감각적 요소를 개선하여 사용자의 감성적 욕구를 충족 easy to use - 사용편의성 기본적으로 안전하면서 신체적, 인지적으로 사용하기 쉬우며, 본래 용도 및 기능에 맞게 작동 identity - 정체성 기업의 디자인 철학이 일관되게 반영되어 기업 고유의 이미지를 구축 e Biz vizualizer 2005-08-26T14:19:19+09:00 MovieClipLoader class single MovieClipLoader instance can load multiple movie clips in seperated objects. codes are below. this code load multiple jpg files into each movieclip instances. ActionScript vizualizer 2005-08-18T14:46:46+09:00 swliveconnect swliveconnect]]> ActionScript vizualizer 2005-08-18T12:55:59+09:00 yp-t8 site curveTo source yp-t8 site curveTo source Drawing API based curve line ActionScript vizualizer 2005-08-12T19:38:27+09:00 flash 8 new features summary Macromedia studio 8 출시 비디오 시장 재편? 플래시8 출시 앞두고「속타는 MS」]]> ActionScript vizualizer 2005-08-09T14:08:07+09:00 friends of ED Studio 8 Update Macromedia has finally confirmed what we have all suspected for a while: There is a new version of Macromedia Studio on its way! The latest versions of Flash and Dreamweaver are due to arrive with us in the very near future, and promise a host of new features as well as revisions to existing ones. friends of ED have a range of titles in the works to help you get to grips with these latest versions, whether you're upgrading from an earlier version, or a first time web designer. ActionScript vizualizer 2005-08-09T09:52:41+09:00